User requirements were collected together to define the optimal SST data products that could be developed to suit the widest possible number of applications. Sea surface temperature SST measured from satellites in considerable spatial detail and at high frequency, is increasingly required for use in the context of operational monitoring and forecasting of the ocean , for assimilation into coupled ocean-atmosphere model systems and for applications in short-term numerical weather prediction and longer term climate change detection. For example, a common processing description is necessary to simplify documentation of data, facilitate exchange by sharing a common data format agreed by RDAC, GDAC and users, to avoid significant duplication of effort, to minimise reformatting of different data products derived by RDAC and to ease the integration of RDAC data to provide global coverage data sets at GDAC centres. Satellite meteorology and remote sensing. This page was last edited on 13 June , at Retrieved from " https:
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Satellite meteorology and remote sensing. For example, a common processing description is necessary to simplify documentation of data, facilitate exchange by sharing a common data format agreed by RDAC, GDAC and users, to avoid significant duplication of effort, to minimise reformatting of different data products derived by RDAC and to ease the integration of RDAC data to provide global coverage data sets at GDAC centres.
Ghrsst-pp - Wikipedia
Large volumes dxta data and associated data yhrsst are harnessed together to deliver the new generation of global coverage high resolution SST data sets. But, scientists and operational agencies alike are presented with a bewildering set of options in terms of SST product content, coverage, spatial resolution, timeliness, format and accuracy.
Only a user community can demonstrate a requirement for sustained operations. Data management teams continue to refine the GHRSST data management structures to provide a functional system that conforms to federal directives e. Retrieved from " https: Currently there are many different SST data sets available derived from satellite systems.
GHRSST – The Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
User requirements were collected together to define the optimal SST data products that could be developed to suit ghrest widest possible number of applications. Sea surface temperature SST measured from satellites in considerable spatial detail and at high frequency, is increasingly required for use in the context of operational monitoring and forecasting of the oceanfor assimilation into coupled ocean-atmosphere model systems and for applications in short-term numerical weather prediction and longer term climate change detection.
Over 20GB of data is exchanged within the international project each day! There are great strengths to ghrzst approach from a community perspective.
This page was last edited on 13 Juneat Operationally produced data products will be improved by using additional data that are only available in a delayed mode together with extensive quality control procedures as part of the GHRSST reanalysis RAN project see http: Most importantly, an international user community has emerged that is now testing and applying GHRSST data products and services within scientific projects and operational systems - all in real time.
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By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. GHRSST data products are derived by combining readily available but complementary Level-2 L2 satellite and in situ observations in real time to improve spatial coverage, temporal resolution, cross-sensor calibration stability and SST product accuracy.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The data are shared, indexed, processed, quality controlled, analysed and documented within an international framework.
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